Broad Street Yoga welcomes anyone and everyone ages 14 years and up. It’s always encouraged to sign up for class beforehand, but walk ins are welcome if there is space available. We have free mats to borrow if you need. Instructors arrive 15 minutes before class, so no need to show up any earlier than that. Please leave your phones and shoes at the door and on silent and switch your smart watches to ‘theater mode’ or take them off and leave them up front. For Ashtanga classes please also leave your water bottles up front as well.
The practice space is a refuge for many so please be respectfully quiet and keep conversations away from politics, religion, gossip, etc. We hope you feel very welcome when you come through the door, and very at peace when you leave. We’d love to meet you, so please come join us for class!
Online Class Sign In
To purchase a studio membership or buy classes click on the Mindbody - BSY store button, or visit your already existing Mindbody account.
Class Descriptions
This vinyasa flow class will incorporate resistance training throughout the flow to add a bit more strength to your practice
Yoga Vibe is a mixed level class that will be different every week, according to Kristy’s ‘vibe’, with possible essential oils, props, themes, etc… or it might be just a straight up mixed level flow class. Regardless it’s sure to leave you feeling relaxed and ready to take on the day. Great for beginners and seasoned yogis alike. Come on in and catch the vibe!
Yin is a style of yoga that focuses on the connective and attachment tissue. It is a slow paced class with poses being held longer than in traditional classes. The quiet, slower nature of yin allows for a meditative experience as well.
This class is designed for the seasoned yogi and those new to yoga. Modifications and options will always be offered throughout the class and attention to alignment and breath will be the leading focus.
A slow flow yoga class perfect for everyone, from beginners to advanced yogis.
This yoga practice allows for continuous flow from one pose to another. Each class is different, allowing the opportunity to try out new postures and sequences. Modifications are always provided, as are amplifications to help you find and work at your edge. The warm classes are the same, just in a warmer room, about 78 degrees.
This is a nontraditional vinyasa flow strength class practiced in a lightly heated room, which allows for an intense, sweaty experience. This class incorporates dumbbells, resistance bands and other strength training props. We always offer the opportunity to work on arm balances, inversions and other challenging but interesting flows and transitions. This is a physically challenging class and best suited to those looking for a nontraditional yoga experience focused on strength and endurance. Simply put, this is a hard workout.
A shortened version of the Ashtanga Full Primary, this class leads you through 60 minutes of the series. It still follows the traditional sequencing and breath of the full class, while omitting some of the seated postures to condense it into 60 minutes. A challenging and disciplined class that will build strength, flexibility and balance...for both the body and mind.